Al "Uncle" Al Crouse 26th August 2010

Vicki was a very special person and we had a unique relationship. As Sue and Joan are so much alike, it seemed like Vicki and I were also a lot alike. First of we are both Cancers with July birthdays, so that may explain it but we alway need to be busy doing something and can't sit still. I remember that about Vicki right up to the end. When Sue and I would visit, Vicki and I would always find some project to do, typically out in the garage. It was always fun to do something with her and she was always interested in how things worked and how to do things. Right after Vicki passed, I was at their house and waiting for Joan and Sue to get back from an errand. I was looking at some of the projects that Vicki and I had worked on in the past and one of them was a weather vane that we had put up. It was really weird, because the East/West direction indicators were reversed. North/South were right. I remembered that we had spent some time when we put it up making sure it was right and the only way to change it was to take the whole thing apart and undo the directions with a screwdriver. I figured it was just Vicki playing a little trick on me and letting me know she's still around and in our lives. I miss her a lot and I know it just won't be the same when we go to visit as I won't have my "project buddy" anymore.